USAID Specialty Coffee Program
Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships To Increase Coffee Growers’ Incomes The USAID Specialty Coffee Program in Colombia assisted over 30,000 farmers to …

USAID PL 480 Title II Development Assistance Program
Empowering Community Members to Better Manage Their Natural Resources The mountainous terrain, rocky soil and frequent droughts have made agricultural …

Azerbaijan Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F)
Using Volunteers’ Expertise to Improve Agribusiness Operations in Azerbaijan Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan faced many rapid …

Armenia Water-to-Market Activity
Introducing Innovative Growing Techniques to Increase Smallholder Incomes The fragmentation of the agricultural production base in Armenia prevents the country’s …

Sustainable Cocoa for Farmers
Developing a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable cocoa industry The USAID-supported Vietnam Sustainable Cocoa for Farmers (SCF) project was a …

Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Increases Food Consumption and Dietary Diversity
The “Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Farmer Training” manual developed for and piloted in Ethiopia by our Agricultural Growth Program-Agribusiness and Market Development …

Agro Horizon Sponsors International Agro Expo in Kyrgyzstan
The three-day Ferghana Valley International Agro Expo brought together over 4,000 attendees from the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan and neighboring …

Ethiopia FEED II Boosts Rural Households’ Resilience to El Niño-Induced Drought
A flash of hope shines amidst the devastating drought and looming food shortages currently afoot in Ethiopia: ACDI/VOCA’s Feed Enhancement …

EasyDry M500: Assembly, Operation and Maintenance Manual
The EasyDry M500 is a portable, on-farm drying solution that enables smallholder farmers to dry their maize down post-harvest to …

Ethiopia AGP-AMDe Project Drives Agribusiness Success
The USAID-funded Feed the Future initiative in Ethiopia, Agricultural Growth Program-Agribusiness and Market Development (AGP-AMDe), sustainably transitioned hundreds of its …

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates 20 Years of Success in Ethiopia
ACDI/VOCA is proud to commemorate 20 years of successful work and collaboration in Ethiopia. Our activities have focused on cooperative …

Key Findings from AflaSTOP’s ‘Off-Farm’ Controlled Tests in Eastern Kenya
This report summarizes the key findings and the initial detailed statistical output from AflaSTOP’s Off-Farm Storage Device Testing. This research, …