Nigeria agriculture alliance meeting

Launch of Alliance Agriculture in Nigeria Adds Private Sector to Irrigation Project

On August 9, in Abuja, Nigeria, ACDI/VOCA launched its newest initiative: Alliance Agriculture, a private-sector-led partnership to pilot an integrated …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda USAID-funded RWANU youth participant in agricultural field

Challenging Our Assumptions on How Best to Engage Youth

In 2016, I visited northern Uganda to assess the impact on youth of the Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition …

ACDI/VOCA Spotlights Youth in Projects Around the World

ACDI/VOCA volunteer Dr. Hameed

Growing Mushrooms in Ghana

Over the last two years, I traveled to the towns of Kumasi, in southern Ghana, and Haasto, near the capital …

Jamaican Agricultural Group Gives Back to Community with JaREEACH

Jamaican Agricultural Group Gives Back to Community with Support of Ja REEACH II

Two years ago, the Golden Valley Jamaica Agricultural Society (GVJAS), based in Saint Thomas, Jamaica, received training on agroforestry as …

Jamaica JaREEACH partners with Red Stripe

Ja REEACH II Farmers to Cultivate Cassava for Red Stripe in Jamaica

Red Stripe, the world-famous beer maker, will engage 200 more farmers in cultivating cassava under its Project Grow initiative in …

ACDI/VOCA poject participant Victorine Bujakera polutry farmer in DRC

Woman Expands Poultry Farming Business with USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Technical Assistance

Victorine Bujakera is a farmer and member of a cooperative called the Coopérative des Fermiers de Kinshasa in the Democratic …

The tractor-adapted motorized seeder designed by the president of the Nièta Cooperative in Mali

Mali CVC Nièta Cooperative: A Quick Learner

The tractor-adapted motorized seeder designed by the president of the Nièta Cooperative. Photo: Adama Bengaly (G-Force) The Nièta Cooperative of …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU Brochure

Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) Brochure

The five-year Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, focuses on reducing food insecurity and malnutrition …

ACDI/VOCA Egypt Kelloggs Project Training

Improving the Incomes and Resiliency of Smallholder Farmers in Egypt

Summary ACDI/VOCA’s Improving Incomes and Climate Resiliency of Egyptian Smallholder Farmers Pilot (IICR) addresses the Kellogg Company’s corporate objective of …

Uganda RWANU Stoves

Uganda RWANU Combats Deforestation with Energy-Saving Stoves

Upon entering Cecilia Aurien’s compound, one is greeted by an odd sight: an array of energy-saving stoves arranged in two …

Paraguay PREP

Promoting Risk and Emergency Preparedness (PREP)

Building the capacity of communities to prepare for climate shocks RELATED NEWS SUMMARY Severe climate variances have demonstrated their impact …