The tractor-adapted motorized seeder designed by the president of the Nièta Cooperative in Mali

Mali CVC Nièta Cooperative: A Quick Learner

The tractor-adapted motorized seeder designed by the president of the Nièta Cooperative. Photo: Adama Bengaly (G-Force) The Nièta Cooperative of …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU Brochure

Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) Brochure

The five-year Resiliency through Wealth, Agriculture, and Nutrition (RWANU) project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, focuses on reducing food insecurity and malnutrition …

Uganda RWANU Stoves

Uganda RWANU Combats Deforestation with Energy-Saving Stoves

Upon entering Cecilia Aurien’s compound, one is greeted by an odd sight: an array of energy-saving stoves arranged in two …

uganda rwanu maize fields

Changing Mindsets and Livelihoods for Enhanced Food Security

Traditionally, men in Karamoja in northeastern Uganda are herdsmen, looking after livestock while women are left to farming. But with …

MinPACT Global Specialty Coffee Expo

MinPACT Empowers Philippines Farmers to Win Specialty Coffee Title

For the first time in its history, coffee from the Philippines won specialty coffee status when it was cupped and …

ACDI/VOCA Liberia FIFES Community Forestry as a Business

Before and After: A Decade of Protecting Liberia’s Forests

In 2003, the departure of the former president Charles Taylor from Liberia marked the end of the country’s 14-year long …

ACDI/VOCA Ghana Volunteer David Ringuette

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Helps Mango Farmers Improve Productivity

Mango growers in southern Ghana with ACDI/VOCA Volunteer David Ringuette (center), wearing gifts he received during their last session Ghana …

Uganda RWANU Farmer Field Day

Environmental Awareness in Uganda and at Home

Recent studies show that the human population’s growth rate is increasing by 1.11% per year. Less clear, however, are the …

ACDI/VOCA Famer to Farmer project participant in DRC

Moving Energy from Pastures to Cattle to You—and Back

Everyone should be good at something, right? Everyone should have one skill they practice their whole lives that their bodies …

Change in Smallholder Attitudes Behaviors during the AflaSTOP On-Farm Storage Device Testing

On-Farm Hermetic Storage Testing; Change in Smallholder Attitudes & Behaviors

This report analyzes how farmers’ attitudes, behaviors, and storage practices have changed throughout the progression of AflaSTOP’s survey work, as …

ACDI/VOCA MinPACT Participants Winnowing of Roasted Cacao Beans

MinPACT Workshop Trains Filipino Chocolate Makers

Raymond Major, a forty-year veteran of the chocolate confectionery industry, arrived in Davao City, in the Philippines, to find nearly …

Feasibility of Up-scaling the EasyDry M500 in East Africa: Tanzania

This report summarize the feasibility of up scaling the EasyDryM500 in Tanzania. Present findings related to manufacturing model (informal or …