Change in Smallholder Attitudes Behaviors during the AflaSTOP On-Farm Storage Device Testing

On-Farm Hermetic Storage Testing; Change in Smallholder Attitudes & Behaviors

This report analyzes how farmers’ attitudes, behaviors, and storage practices have changed throughout the progression of AflaSTOP’s survey work, as …

AflaSTOP Drying Groundnuts

Drying Groundnuts: Adapting the EasyDry M500 Portable Maize Dryer for Groundnuts (EasyDry G600)

Building on interest from various stakeholders on adapting the EasyDry M500 portable maize dryer for use to dry groundnuts, this …

Infographic Hermetic Storage for Aflatoxin Control-cv

Hermetic Storage Promotional Flyer

An illustrated promotional flyer to support rural marketing and consumer awareness about hermetic storage bags: what they are, how they …

acdi/voca aflatoxin awareness

Training Pamphlet on Aflatoxin Awareness

A simple, illustrated pamphlet designed to complement rural training and outreach efforts on what aflatoxin is, where it is found, …

Youth trolley salesman

Kenya REGAL-AG Boosts Employment Among Youth

Eliud Muchai serving a customer camel meat sausages in Isiolo town.    Not even the high temperatures, or the wind …

All Africa Postharvest Technologies and Innovation Challenge

Out of hundreds of applicants, the EasyDry M500– a portable grain dryer developed through ACDI/VOCA and ASI’s AflaSTOP project– won …

ACDI/VOCA Kenya Feasibility Study

Feasibility of Up-scaling the EasyDry M500 in East Africa: Kenya

This report summarizes the feasibility of upscaling the EasyDryM500, a portable maize dryer developed by AflaSTOP, in Kenya. It presents …

EasyDry M500 Portable Maize Dryer: A Drying Solution for Smallholder Farmers

EasyDry M500 Portable Maize Dryer: Key Operational Features

EasyDry M500 Portable Maize Dryer: Key Fabrication Details

Kenya Regal-Ag ACDI/VOCA Samuel

Upgraded Market Becomes Hub of Activity in Kenya’s Arid Lands

Samuel Lekorima, an LMA member In the past, markets in Isiolo and Marsabit Counties were simple affairs: an open space …

Kenya Regal Ag Man unloading hay

Kenya REGAL-AG Supports Pasture Commercialization

Drought degrades grasslands and prompts their disappearance, leading to a loss of livestock. This can be detrimental for pastoralists, who …