Man with plate of fresh fruit

Kenyan Youth Boost Self-Reliance through Job Skills Training Provided by Feed the Future Activity

Youth in Northern Kenya face a variety of challenges, including a lack of skills, poverty, and unemployment. After completing his …

Kenya Activity Empowers Women through Training & Asset Transfer

In Northern Kenya men traditionally manage their families’ livestock assets as producers, traders, and protectors against rustlers. Women, on the …

Keeping Girls in School in Northern Kenya

Dressed in her new uniform, Fardosa Boya, 12, walked toward the entrance of the school. It was the beginning of …

ACDI/VOCA Kenya LMS womens businesses

Helping Women Forge Their Own Paths Out of Extreme Poverty in Kenya

In traditionally patriarchal societies like those in Northern Kenya, women continue to face entrenched gender biases and inequalities that limit …

36 New Businesses Launched in Kenya’s Arid Lands

Living in northern Kenya’s Isiolo and Marsabit counties means facing frequent droughts and climate shocks and, for businesses, often facing …

Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security

Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security

Promoting Energy Access, Efficiency, and Reliability Background Narrative Energy Opportunities for Agriculture Systems and Food Security (Energy for Ag) is …

Changing the Status Quo: Women & Youth Engage in Kenyan Livestock Business

ACDI/VOCA USAID Kenya Regal Ag livestock

Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity

Livestock Markets Building Resilience in Arid Lands Background Narrative The Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems (LMS) activity is …

ACDI/VOCA SEEP Network 2017 Annual Conference

Talking Resilience and Nutrition through Market Systems at SEEP Network Annual Conference

On October 2-4, the Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) Network’s 2017 Annual Conference brought together over 425 leading practitioners, …

Pathway to Nutrition through Women’s Empowerment

ACDI/VOCA USAID Kenya Regal Ag women holding money

REGAL-AG Elevates Investments in Kenya’s Neglected Zones

Pastoral communities in northern Kenya’s Isiolo and Marsabit counties suffer from frequent droughts and the effects of climate change. On …

ACDI/VOCA LEO Report 38 Literature Review Women in Nonproduction Roles in Agriculture

Women in Non-Production Roles in Agriculture: A Literature Review of Promising Practices

The USAID Feed the Future Initiative supports the development of agriculture as an engine of economic growth, food security, and …