Kenya_LMS_Daud Diba_poultry farmer

Diversified Livelihoods Increase Incomes for Pastoralist Communities in Kenya

A few kilometers from Isiolo town in central Kenya, off the Isiolo – Marsabit highway, lies the ever-expanding Burat Ward. Located on the extensive savannah plain, the developing community of homesteads speaks to …

How Kenya Is Spotting and Stopping Drought in Remote Areas

Published by Feed the Future, April 27, 2020


In Kenya, Feed the Future Activity Equips Young Women Entrepreneurs to Start Business & Thrive

At the bustling and vibrant Moyale Market, located on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia, 18-year-old Fatuma Guyo sits patiently …

Ghana-ADVANCE II-woman with child

Finding Resilience: How ACDI/VOCA Helps Communities Adapt to Shocks

When climate disasters, conflicts, and other crises occur, a community’s capacity to withstand the shocks and adapt to them is …

Kenya-LMS-Mount Marsabit Womens Group

Women’s Group Boosts Incomes & Resilience in Kenya

In Kenya’s Northern Frontier, at the edge of Marsabit National Park, rests Karare town. Nondescript to passersby, Karare serves as …

Widow Rebounds from Adversity through Kenya LMS Support

Kuresha Bile, a mother and widowed farmer in central Kenya, has seen it all. In 2009, her life crumbled around …


USAID Kuza is an Associate Award under the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity, a Leader with Associates (LWA) …

Resilience Learning Activity (RLA)

The Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) is an Associate Award under the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity, a …

Meymuma Barrow_Kenya LMS_STEM grant recipient

Feed the Future Kenya Activity Provides Grants to Young Women to Expand STEM Studies

Over the last several years, Kenyan universities and institutions of higher learning have seen a decline in students taking Science, …


Wyanie Bright

Chief of Party, USAID Kuza

Man and woman talking by new phone

Are Kenya’s Mobile Lending Apps Solving or Perpetuating Debt?

A recent article published by Boston Review explored the pitfalls of digital finance and mobile lending apps in Kenya, a …

African women talking in marketplace

Cash Transfers Help Ultra-Poor Women Become Entrepreneurs in Northern Kenya

Paulina Adapal Paen never thought she could be a businesswoman. Raising five children on her own, she was struggling just …