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Making Mobile Connections in Northern Ghana During COVID-19

The Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement II (ADVANCE II) Project distributed 400 mobile phones to …

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Young Women in Northern Kenya Team Up to Launch Small Businesses

Ebla Bashir, 20, lives in the Goth-Rahma village of the hot and dry Ibra Urey Ward, located about 690 kilometers …

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Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Businesses in Northern Kenya Report Released

The Feed the Future USAID Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity studied the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on 168 businesses …

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Coping with COVID-19 Six Months Later

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, ACDI/VOCA programs around the world have shifted their approach to cope with …

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Poultry Rearing Increases Revenue Streams for Youth in Northern Kenya

Lillian Mukami, a resident of Kula Mawe in Isiolo county, part of the arid and semi-arid lands region, has overcome indomitable odds in her 27 years. Death robbed …

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In Northern Kenya, USAID Kuza & Counties Collaborate to Adapt to Changing Health, Environmental, & Economic Landscape

In early 2020, ten Arid and Semi-Arid counties of the Frontier County Development Council (FCDC) faced significant shocks that threatened …

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Girls’ Education in Northern Kenya Paves Road to Financial Empowerment

Between Marsabit and Moyale, about 750 kilometers from Nairobi, on the winding road that snakes its way to the border …

Inclusive Market Systems Expand Northern Kenya’s Youth Opportunities

Published on Agrilinks, July 14, 2020

Empowering Adolescent Girls to Thrive in Northern Kenya’s Economy

Published on Agrilinks, July 6, 2020.

A Place to Trade: Stronger Markets Empower Women in Kenya’s drylands

Published by USAID Stories

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Five Market Systems Strategies to Revive Food & Agricultural Systems During COVID-19

Published by MarketLinks, June 4, 2020, and by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, June 1, 2020

Five Market Systems Strategies to Revive Food & Agricultural Systems During COVID-19

COVID-19 is challenging the world to adapt, and, in doing so, creating two distinct problems in our food and agricultural …