
USAID Kuza Enables Disaster Risk Management Legislation, Collaboration for the Future

In Northern Kenya, drought, floods, locusts, diseases, and conflict over resources negatively impact the wellbeing of communities. The result is …

Kenya-LMS-REAP program participant

Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods in Northern Kenya

After losing his job, Emmanuel Ibei decided to take on the humbling position of helping his wife run her kiosk …

Resilience Learning Activity Facilitates Dialogue on Resilience in the Horn of Africa

For the last seven years, USAID/Kenya and East Africa has held annual resilience events that converge stakeholders in the resilience …

‘Champions of Change’ share COVID-19 safety and vaccine information in Northern Kenya’s Turkana County

Many communities in Northern Kenya are susceptible to environmental shocks and calamities, such as drought. Now, these communities face the …

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Adolescent GIRL Group Builds Community Resilience in Northern Kenya

Twenty-two-year-old Diana Camilla is the chairperson of the Shiners Girls Improving Resilience through Livelihoods (GIRL) group in the Ngaremara area …

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Sustaining Livelihoods through Poultry Farming in Northern Kenya

Thirty-four-year-old Raphael Ewoi is a poultry farmer living in Towokanyeni Village in Kakuma Town, located in Turkana West, a sub-county of Kenya’s Turkana County. Before venturing into the poultry business, Raphael had short-term contracts with a local non-governmental …

Kenya RLA journalist training

USAID Kenya, Local Government, and Media Join Training on How to Tell Development Stories

In September, two USAID-funded activities in Kenya–the Resilience Learning Activity and the USAID Nawiri program–collaborated with government officials in Isiolo …

Enabling Cyber Access for Youth in Northern Kenya

In 2015, 26-year old Mohammed Ore Ahmed identified a business opportunity in his hometown of Griftu in Wajir County in …

Grant Gives New Life to Women’s Hay Farming Business in Northern Kenya

Members of the Tullu Women’s Group hail from Sololo Ward, a community of livestock keepers in the heart of Marsabit …

Bead Making Means More Income for Halima

Halima Mohamed Arbele, 45, never expected that her hobby could be a source of income for her family. Since 2005 …

A Beekeeping Venture Brings Hope to Pastoralist Families in Northeastern Kenya

Like many people in Wajir County, Ahmed Hussein made a living as a crop farmer and livestock producer. But with …

Tailored Innovation in Isiolo County to Strengthen Livestock Market Systems

Learn more about the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity here.