Kenya-LMS-fodder harvest

In Kenya, Fodder Farmers Provide Livestock Lifeline During Drought

For pastoral communities living in Northern Kenya, livestock production is the dominant livelihood. Healthy and plentiful livestock is a significant …

Kenya-LMS-woman farmer success story

In Kenya, Young Woman Professional Leaves City for Farming Opportunity

Several years ago, now 26-year-old Mary Mumbi moved from Nairobi to Kulamawe, in Northern Kenya’s Isiolo County, to help support …

Kenya_LMS_Woman entrepreneur baker


Abshira Ahmed, an entrepreneur bakery owner, strengthened her business thanks to a grant for much-needed new equipment.   Ever since she …

Achieving Food System Objectives in Market System Development in Northern Kenya

In pastoralist communities like those throughout Northern Kenya, poultry meat has long been associated with poverty and as a meal …

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How ACDI/VOCA and Tanager #BreakTheBias of Gender Discrimination

This International Women’s Day, on March 8, we envision a world where all genders are treated equally. Learn more below …

Kenya LMS GIRL success story

Young Women Contribute to Food Security & Nutrition in Northern Kenya

Talaso Bonaya lives in Toricha village in the North Horr sub-county of Northern Kenya’s Marsabit County. Growing up in a …

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Northern Kenyan Government and Donor Team Up to Improve Access to Water for Residents

Communities in Northern Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands face one big threat to their livelihoods: drought. Frequent and intense droughts …

New Banking Branch Brings Finance Access to Pastoralists in Northern Kenya

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC), in collaboration with the county government …

Companies and County Governments in Northern Kenya Team Up to Combat Drought

In 2021, drought hit many parts of Northern Kenya, with the greatest impact experienced in Garissa, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo, and …

Case Study: Feed the Future Kenya USAID Kuza & The Impact for Northern Kenya Fund

Read the Feed the Future Kenya USAID Kuza & The Impact for Northern Kenya Fund case study here. This case …

Feed the Future USAID Kuza Strengthens Management of Counties’ Revolving Funds in Northern Kenya

Kenya’s revolving county funds have the potential to play an increasing role in offering finance to Kenya’s micro, small, and …

Transforming the Livestock Market in Northern Kenya

Learn more about the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity here.