Jamaica Ja REEACH II disaster risk reduction

Preparedness Training and Flood Warning Systems Bolster Disaster Readiness in Jamaica

Icema and Vincent Swire’s home in the Fellowship community of Portland, Jamaica, sits where the Sandy River meets the larger …

ACDI/VOCA Spotlights Youth in Projects Around the World

Jamaican Agricultural Group Gives Back to Community with JaREEACH

Jamaican Agricultural Group Gives Back to Community with Support of Ja REEACH II

Two years ago, the Golden Valley Jamaica Agricultural Society (GVJAS), based in Saint Thomas, Jamaica, received training on agroforestry as …

Jamaica JaREEACH partners with Red Stripe

Ja REEACH II Farmers to Cultivate Cassava for Red Stripe in Jamaica

Red Stripe, the world-famous beer maker, will engage 200 more farmers in cultivating cassava under its Project Grow initiative in …


Jamaican Cocoa Farmers Sell to World’s Best Chocolatiers

Desmond Jadusingh, a cocoa farmer in Saint Thomas, Jamaica, has faced his fair share of challenges, like the frequent hurricanes …

Jamacia JAREEACH mission director visit

USAID Mission Director Tours Jamaica Ja REEACH II Sites

USAID Mission Director, Maura Barry and College of Agriculture, Science and Education President Dr. Derrick Deslandes prepare a breadfruit seedling …

Jamacia Ja REEACH Climate Camp

Equip Jamaican Youth to Fight Climate Change

We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. –Native American proverb This year’s Friends …

Jamacia JaREEACH James Hill Jams

Jamaica Ja REEACH II Conserves Resources and Boosts Resilience through Agroforestry

ACDI/VOCA implements the USAID-funded Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH II) project. Ja REEACH II …

ACDI/VOCA Celebrates International Youth Day as Youth Population Nears Two Billion

Jamaica Ja REEACH II Project Provides Example of Effective Youth Engagement The United Nations designated August 12 International Youth Day …

Jamaica Sees a Future in Agriculture

At minutes to 10 a.m. in an already unyielding sun, casual chatter and youthful laughter echo close to the three …

Jamaica Ja REEACH II agriculture

Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH II)

Background Narrative The Ja REEACH II project was a four-year initiative funded by USAID and implemented by ACDI/VOCA and Government …

men working

Jamaica Rural Economy & Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (JA REEACH)

Protecting Lives and Livelihoods from the Impacts of Climate Change Jamaica continues to be adversely affected by climate change. Unpredictable …

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