Woman smiling by thatched hut in Ghana

Fati’s Story: From Smallholder Farmer to Outgrower Business Owner in Ghana

In April 2019, Fati Zakari, who lives in Nyong Yapalsi in the Karaga District of Ghana’s Northern Region, successfully became …

Ghana Poultry Project Partners with Private Firms to Expand Markets for Local Chicken

Amazingly, chicken that travels to Ghana from all over the world is still cheaper than locally produced chicken, due to …

Ghana Poultry Project Grant Supports Domestic Chicken Production

In Ghana, high production costs hinder the production of chicken, the country’s most popular meat. Augustine Amankwa, a poultry entrepreneur and CEO …

AV Ventures Investments Catalyze Ghana Poultry Industry

AV Ventures is pleased to announce two new investments in Ghana: G. I. Nyame Aye Awie Ampa Limited (GINAAAL) and Golden Link Savings and Loans Limited. AV Ventures, a subsidiary …

Boosting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Ghana

Women make up 70 percent of Ghana’s poultry labor force, yet only 7 percent own their own poultry farms. Edith Wheatland, 41, overcame the …

Healthy, Happy Goats: A Volunteer’s Story from Ghana

Following an extremely rewarding career with the United States Agency for International Development, I decided to focus my time on …

Two young men standing by farm equipment in Ghana

Linking Farmers to Markets in Ghana

Published on Agrilinks, January 8, 2019

This 27-Year-Old Ghanaian Is Changing Perceptions Around Youth and Agriculture

Despite the many strategies adopted by the Government of Ghana and other stakeholders to attract youth to the agriculture sector, …

ACDI/VOCA Ghana ADVANCE data management

ACDI/VOCA’s Data Platform Streamlines Project Management

Data science is changing business around the world. Can it also transform development? ACDI/VOCA is developing a technology stack, or …

Pathway to Nutrition through Women’s Empowerment


USAID Ghana ADVANCE Wins Digital Development Award for Smartcard Use

On September 28, the Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) project, implemented by ACDI/VOCA in …

Former Syngenta Employee Julie Moore volunteers with ACDI/VOCA Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

Former Syngenta Employee Volunteers with Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

For 20 years, Julia Moore’s father, Bill Eyman, traveled the world as an ACDI/VOCA volunteer for USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program …