man in forest_Liberia_FIFES

Balancing Act: Protecting Forests & Improving Livelihoods in Liberia

The world’s forests are a key factor in sustainable development. They provide food, water, and medicine. They help stabilize the …

Former Syngenta Employee Julie Moore volunteers with ACDI/VOCA Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

Former Syngenta Employee Volunteers with Farmer-to-Farmer in Liberia

For 20 years, Julia Moore’s father, Bill Eyman, traveled the world as an ACDI/VOCA volunteer for USAID’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program …

ACDI/VOCA Sierra Leone Snap+ measuring child for development

Building Resilience During Humanitarian Crises

At Inside NGO’s recent Food Aid Roundtable, Matthew Nims, acting director of Food for Peace (FFP), spoke about the future …

ACDI/VOCA poject participant Victorine Bujakera polutry farmer in DRC

Woman Expands Poultry Farming Business with USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Technical Assistance

Victorine Bujakera is a farmer and member of a cooperative called the Coopérative des Fermiers de Kinshasa in the Democratic …

ACDI/VOCA Famer to Farmer project participant in DRC

Moving Energy from Pastures to Cattle to You—and Back

Everyone should be good at something, right? Everyone should have one skill they practice their whole lives that their bodies …

ACDI/VOCA volunteer David Roberts visits farmers pastures in Betumbo, DRC

ACDI/VOCA Volunteer Travels to the DRC to Help Local Farmers Improve Pasture Management and Livestock Production

When one thinks of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), one immediately thinks of the conflict and genocide that took …

LEO Report 16: Assessment of the DRC’s Agricultural Market Systems: Value Chains in the North & South Kivu and Katanga Provinces (Cook, Magistro, and O’Donnell, 2015)

man in forest_Liberia_FIFES

Balancing Act: Protecting Forests & Improving Livelihoods in Liberia

The world’s forests are a key factor in sustainable development. They provide food, water, and medicine. They help stabilize the …