
Thinking and Working Politically in Market Systems Development Case Study Series: Afro-Colombian Empowerment

About this series ACDI/VOCA integrates thinking and working politically (TWP) into our inclusive market systems (IMS) approach to development in a …

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USAID Gender Conference 2024 – Resources

Access the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food for Progress Jamaica Spices Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI) Analysis Report here. …

One-on-one with Board Member Luis Sahmkow

In late October, ACDI/VOCA Group Board Member Luis Sahmkow joined CEO Sylvia Megret, Chief Program Officer Maura Allen, and VP …

Building Local Ownership in Social and Behavior Change to Improve Nutrition and Social Inclusion

Social and Behavior Change (SBC) is the process of understanding why people behave in certain ways and developing approaches to …

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Video About Plan T, the Social Transformation Initiative Empowering Colombian Youth

Plan T, a social transformation initiative implemented by the Presidential Office for Youth (DAPRE), Colombia Joven, and USAID and ACDI/VOCA’s …

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A Look at USAID’s Indigenous Peoples & Afro-Colombian Empowerment Activity

Ethnic inclusion directly impacts Colombia’s sustainable development. Studies have shown that countries can increase their GDP by US$2.1 trillion every …

Colombia’s First Vice President and Ambassador of Afro-Descent Align with USAID and ACDI/VOCA’s Inclusion Efforts

History was made in Colombia this year. After protests riddled the country in 2021, the new president-elect Gustavo Petro, as …

Soccer Star Cuadrado Becomes Youth Ambassador of USAID Colombia Youth Resilience Activity

In Medellin’s Comuna 8, Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, one of the most important Colombian soccer players in recent years, was presented …

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How Do We Reconcile a Post-Conflict Colombia? Boosting Economic Inclusion

By Katherine Ko, Daniel Sumner, and Melissa Matlock Decades of conflict may have divided Colombian communities, but a 2016 peace deal between …


How Do We Reconcile a Post-Conflict Colombia? Changing Perceptions, Attitudes, and Beliefs 

By Katherine Ko, Daniel Sumner, and Melissa Matlock  A 2016 peace deal between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed …

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Emergency Response Program Cultivates Hope in Colombia’s La Guajira Desert

In January 2022, ACDI/VOCA completed Emergency Response in Colombia (ERIC), a program funded by USAID’s Bureau of Humanitatian Assistance, in …

USAID Program Reaffirms Commitment to Reconciliation with Colombian Media Outlets

Two events held in Bucaramanga and Bogotá, Colombia, recently helped spread awareness of lessons learned and future opportunities for reconciliation …

Thinking and Working Politically in Market Systems Development Case Study Series: Afro-Colombian Empowerment

About this series ACDI/VOCA integrates thinking and working politically (TWP) into our inclusive market systems (IMS) approach to development in a …

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