Armenia_F2F_Anush Avakimyan

In Armenia, Local Volunteer Equips Cheesemakers to Boost Quality, Yields, and Incomes

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and challenged us all. Our Volunteer programs have pivoted to remote assignments and have engaged …

Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Helps Moroccan Women’s Cooperative Enter Global Markets

For over three decades, the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Program has helped farmers and agribusinesses in developing countries raise incomes and adopt …

Kenya LMS Shaake Umuro Day of the Girl

In Kenya, Safe Space Training Empowers Girls to Become Role Models

Shaake Umuro was born and raised at Shankera village of Hurri Hills in Marsabit County, 860 kilometers north of Nairobi, …

Tanzania_NAFAKA_Alexia_VBAA with rice thresher

In Tanzania, Widowed Farmer Thrives Through Program Training & Grants

Alexia Paulo Nyoni, age 53, is a widow who lives in Mikoleko village, in the Kilombero District of southwestern Tanzania’s …

Kenya LMS Dorcas_Day of the Girl

Girls in Northern Kenya Overcome Adversity to Return to School

Kambi Sheikh is the small village on the outskirts of Isiolo town that 19-year-old Dorcas Wairimu calls home. Dorcas, along …

Ghana_ADVANCE II_mobile phone

Making Mobile Connections in Northern Ghana During COVID-19

The Feed the Future Ghana Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement II (ADVANCE II) Project distributed 400 mobile phones to …

Kenya_LMS_Elba Bashir_sewing machine

Young Women in Northern Kenya Team Up to Launch Small Businesses

Ebla Bashir, 20, lives in the Goth-Rahma village of the hot and dry Ibra Urey Ward, located about 690 kilometers …

Kenya_LMS_IYD story_poultry rearing_Lillian Mukami

Poultry Rearing Increases Revenue Streams for Youth in Northern Kenya

Lillian Mukami, a resident of Kula Mawe in Isiolo county, part of the arid and semi-arid lands region, has overcome indomitable odds in her 27 years. Death robbed …

Promoting Hygienic Practices and Helping Communities Thrive through Tippy Taps in Burkina Faso

The COVID-19 pandemic has made access to water and soap an essential priority, however, in Poullalé, a village in the …

Kenya_LMS_GIRL_Makai Ibrahim

Girls’ Education in Northern Kenya Paves Road to Financial Empowerment

Between Marsabit and Moyale, about 750 kilometers from Nairobi, on the winding road that snakes its way to the border …

Liberia_FIFES_beekeeping story

Beekeeping Protects Biodiversity & Offers Alternative Livelihoods for Liberian Women

Harvesting honey is a job traditionally associated with men because they are more able to work the late hours required …

Kenya_LMS_Daud Diba_poultry farmer

Diversified Livelihoods Increase Incomes for Pastoralist Communities in Kenya

A few kilometers from Isiolo town in central Kenya, off the Isiolo – Marsabit highway, lies the ever-expanding Burat Ward. Located on the extensive savannah plain, the developing community of homesteads speaks to …