
An Analysis of Three Commodity Value Chains in Cambodia: Rice, Horticulture, and Aquaculture (Kula, Turner, Sar)

Evaluation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Trade Policy Constraints within the Maize and Livestock/Animal-Sourced Products Value Chains in East Africa (Hain, Logan, Collins)

Applying a Market Systems Lens to Technology Scale Up: A Brief Literature Review (Brand, Fowler, Campbell)

Wage Labor, Agriculture-Based Economies, and Pathways Out of Poverty: Taking Stock of the Evidence (Mueller, Chan)

Scale of Outreach in Market Systems Development: Building the Evidence Base (Dunn, McGuinness)

LEO Report 16: Assessment of the DRC’s Agricultural Market Systems: Value Chains in the North & South Kivu and Katanga Provinces (Cook, Magistro, and O’Donnell, 2015)

AflaSTOP PACA poster

AflaSTOP Overview

A visual snapshot of AflaSTOP’s core goal and research hypothesis, phased approach, and the hermetic storage and drying technologies targeted …

Overview of Tested Storage Devices

AflaSTOP is testing a variety of hermetic storage devices to evaluate whether or not a smallholder farmer-friendly technology exists that …

Overview of Drying Technologies Under Design

AflaSTOP is testing, adapting, and designing cost-effective and appropriate drying technologies for maize and other commodities. This highlights the three …

Findings from Acquisition of Maize Contaminated with Aflatoxin

From March–June 2014, the AflaSTOP project sought to acquire 53 tons of grain contaminated with aflatoxin. This grain was sourced …

LEO Learning Day Summary (Singh)

LEO State of the Sector (EcoVentures International)