
Unraveling the Mysteries of Social and Behavior Change

A great television commercial has been airing recently in the United States. Couples each get a long ribbon to roll …

Date Reference Automation Part 1: Multiple Reporting Periods

Let’s say you are starting a new five-year project on July 1, but your client is going to expect performance …

ACDI/VOCA Farmer to Farmer David Ringuette and son

A Family Affair: Father and Son Volunteer for Farmer-to-Farmer

In the past three years, I have completed 17 volunteer assignments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. With 20 years …

ACDI/VOCA Data Digest Blog bullet chart

Introducing the Monitoring and Evaluation Bullet Chart

This edition of Data Digest is for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) people out there, or monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL), …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU woman with goats

Giving Women Goats: Why Gender Matters

When I was nine years old, my uncle gave me a calf. At least, I thought he did. It happened …

ACDI/VOCA Uganda RWANU market systems

Sowing the Seeds of Resilience through Market Systems Development

Growing up on a small homestead farm left me with the desire to grow some of my own food because …

ACDI/VOCA Data Digest data next level

Data 101 Part 3: Taking Your Data to the Next Level

If you missed the first and second posts in the Data Digest series, I recommend you start there. In these …

ACDI/VOCA Women New Year's Resolutions

Making New Year’s (and New Projects’) Resolutions Stick

Last year, I made four (four!) major New Year’s resolutions: Be more productive. Run a marathon. Be less stressed. Exercise …

ACDI/VOCA Bangladesh Market Vegetable Vendor

Balancing the Systems: Making Food and Market Systems Work for Nutrition

If you work in international development, you have probably heard a lot about food systems lately. The buzz about food …

ACDI/VOCA's AVVoices blog data digest series

Data 101 Part 2: Quality

If you missed the first post in the Data Digest series, I recommend you start here, with the beginning of …

ACDI/VOCA AV Voices blog post

Data 101 Part 1: Management

Data management can be tough, especially for those who are less numbers-oriented. I’ve been working with data for 15 years, …

ACDI/VOCA co-op member learning about health soil

Co-ops’ Commitment to People and Communities

MAVUNO Farmers Cooperative members learn about soil health When you think of a cooperative, or a co-owned enterprise run by …