
Celebrating a Renewed Commitment to U.S. Leadership in Global Food Security

We sincerely applaud bipartisan congressional leaders for the recent enactment of the Global Food Security Act (GFSA). At the height …

Produce More with Less: Adapting to Climate Change in the Face of Increasing Hunger

In Bangladesh, 75 percent of agricultural land is devoted to growing rice, which subsequently supports the staple-heavy dietary habits of …

The Future of Food is Bleak. Here’s How We Can Leverage the Private Sector to Face It.

This post originally appeared on The SEEP Network. With the recent publication of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in …

Why You Should Be Using Raw, Relational Data

Raw data is important, but what does it really mean, and why is it especially important for global development? For …

Lessons from Eight Years of the Cooperative Development Program 

A few years ago, I was looking over a bank statement and discovered that my bank had taken to charging …

Key Takeaways from ACDI/VOCA’s Pivot to a Market Systems Approach

At ACDI/VOCA, our mission is to empower people to succeed in the global economy. To achieve our mission on the …

The Solution to Our Migrant Crisis Isn’t at the Border

When a complex, high-profile issue creates bold headlines and causes marching in the streets, I believe the problem cannot be …

Supporting Rural Farmers as a Student Volunteer in Bangladesh

Near the end my second year as a dual master’s degree candidate at Tufts University, I noticed an opportunity to …

Date Reference Automation Part 4: Distinct Count of Participants in Multiple Activities

Your project is taking off; you registered a lot of participants in your project database and are implementing multiple different …

Date Reference Automation Part 3: New and Continuing Participant Counts by Reporting Period

Imagine your project has a massive participant target that is six digits long, and your client wants each routine report …

Cooperatives Mobilize Local Resources in Liberia

This article originally appeared on  In 2010, Sebehill Cocoa Farmers Association (SEKUFA), a purchasing cooperative, was in the business …

Date Reference Automation Part 2: Counting Project Participants

As data experts, we love precision in our project performance reporting. One of the data management nightmares that many implementers …