Bangladesh-LPIN-CJ with dairy farmers-2019

COVID-19 Response: We Are Resilient

The health and safety of ACDI/VOCA staff, volunteers, partners and beneficiaries around the world is our top priority.  ACDI/VOCA leadership …

Volunteer Reflects on 100+ Assignments

Meet Ross Penhallegon, a volunteer heading out this month on his 109th assignment. He and his wife Kate are dedicated …

Man leading women outside

Official Development Assistance & Impact Investing Can Work Together to Make the World a Better Place

This article originally appeared on the SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) website prior to SOCAP19, an annual conference focused on market-based …

Volunteer in Tajikistan

Volunteer to Tajikistan Shares How to Advocate to End World Hunger

Food truly unites us all. It is a cultural experience and being immersed in another culture opened my eyes to …

Man and woman talking by new phone

Are Kenya’s Mobile Lending Apps Solving or Perpetuating Debt?

A recent article published by Boston Review explored the pitfalls of digital finance and mobile lending apps in Kenya, a …

Volunteers with rural community

The Feed the Future, Farmer-to-Farmer Connection

Do you know the important connection that exists between USAID’s global Feed the Future initiative and the volunteer program Farmer-to-Farmer …

Man displaying bounty of home grown food

Q&A With Volunteer Entomologist from Illinois on His Farmer-to-Farmer Experience

Sen Seong is an entomologist based in Gurnee, Illinois, and a recurring volunteer with ACDI/VOCA’s Farmer-to-Farmer Program, which is funded …

Remarkable Progress, But 820 Million Still Hungry 

In the last four decades, the world has gotten incredibly better at addressing food insecurity. Roughly 40 years ago, my …

Beacons of Hope Demonstrate Impact of U.S. Investment in Central America

Honduras has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Named “Murder Capital” of the World in 2012, the …

What Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency Can Do for International Development 

Last week, Facebook announced the launch of a new cryptocurrency, Libra. Libra will be managed by a consortium of firms known as the Libra Association and will fully …

President & CEO CJ Hall Reflects on First Year with ACDI/VOCA

It seems impossible, but my calendar tells me that I have now been a member of the ACDI/VOCA team for …

Do Behavior Change & Market Systems Development Belong Together? Colleagues Sound Off on Tensions & Synergies

In April, a number of ACDI/VOCA staff members had the great pleasure of participating in the 2019 Market System Symposium …