ACDI/VOCA seeks at all times to conduct its affairs both internally and externally in accordance with the highest ethical standards. ACDI/VOCA maintains and enforces strict prohibitions against all forms of exploitation and corruption. In the links below, we outline our Anti-Exploitation Policy and our Anti-Corruption Policy.

Maintaining high standards of ethical conduct requires the active commitment of all members of the ACDI/VOCA family, employees, beneficiaries, and supporters alike. Accordingly, ACDI/VOCA has established specific procedures and mechanisms to enable employees and others to report ethical improprieties on the part of any ACDI/VOCA employee, partner, beneficiary or other third party that may undermine ACDI/VOCA’s integrity, jeopardize the performance of its mission, treat people unfairly or violate its nonprofit, tax-exempt status.

ACDI/VOCA encourages reporting all alleged violations of our policies as promptly and in as much detail as possible using the Ethics Reporting System of Record.

Anti-Exploitation Policy_English

Anti-Corruption Policy_English

Anti-Exploitation Policy_Spanish

Anti-Corruption Policy_Spanish
