Timothy Beans joined the board as a senior executive with more than 40 years of professional experience leading international and domestic public and private sector programs. During his career with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), he served as the Chief Acquisition Officer and Procurement Executive for the entire agency during the largest funding increase in USAID’s history. While serving as the Head of Acquisition and Assistance, he was recognized for a career of exceptional leadership, professional excellence, and personal contributions to the international development and government contracting communities. He was selected as 2004 Public Sector Partner of the Year during the second Annual Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards. He has served as the Mission Director in the Regional Development Mission in Asia and was responsible for all technical programming in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and China, including leading the response to the 2004 tsunami. He also served as the Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) Bureau and the Management Bureau. After retiring from USAID, he served as Vice President of Business Operations, Senior Advisor to the President and Chief Executive Officer for Development Alternatives Incorporated as well as a Senior Vice President of the Afghanistan and Pakistan region for Chemonics International. He holds an MPA from American University and a BA from the University of South Carolina.