Ricardo Amaya is the chief of party of the USAID-funded Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity. He is also executive director of Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America and director of our Emergency Response in Arauca Program, funded by USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Since joining ACDI/VOCA in 2010, Ricardo has served as deputy chief of party and chief of party for a project in Colombia and as a consultant for business development supporting our USAID Specialty Coffee Program. He most recently served as the chief of party of our USAID-funded Youth Resilience Activity and ACDI/VOCA’s country representative in Colombia.  Prior to this, Ricardo was deputy chief of party and chief of party for programs in Colombia, a consultant for the Organization of American States programs in Colombia and Peru, and an advisor and director of alternative development and economic growth in conflict zones for the government of Colombia. He holds a BS from La Salle University (Colombia), an MS in rural development from Javeriana University (Colombia), and is fluent in Spanish and English. He received the Presidential Awards from ACDI/VOCA in 2016 and 2018.  
