Quantity Pokolo-Hassell is senior vice president of human resources and develops and implements effective human resources policies and practices. She oversees functions such as employment, performance management, staff learning and development, salary and benefits administration, and employee relations. She serves as assistant corporate secretary to our Board of Directors in addition to her other duties. Quanita has 20 years of experience in policy development, staffing, training, government compliance, and compensation and benefits. Prior to joining ACDI/VOCA in 2015, she led the human resources function for The International Center for Research on Women and the National Institutes of Health Federal Credit Union. She has a BS from Stayer College and an MBA from Ashford University. Quanita holds a professional human resources certification as well as a certification in human resources management from George Mason University. She received a Presidential Award from ACDI/VOCA for her work to rejuvenate outdated human resources systems and policies. 
