Economic Opportunity

Hayden Aaronson headshot

Hayden Aaronson

Managing Director, Market & Food Systems
Cristobal Aguilar headshot

Cristobal Aguilar

Senior Director of Agriculture and Community Development

Ricardo Amaya

Chief of Party of the Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity

Wyanie Bright

Chief of Party, USAID Kuza

Meg Buckley

Associate Director, Private Sector Engagement

Philip Charlesworth

Chief of Party, Feed the Future Burma Agriculture and Food Systems Development Activity (AFDA)

Luca Crudeli

Senior Technical Director, Market Systems

Hiqmet Demiraj

Chief of Party of the Employment and Enterprise Development Activity

Simon Muli

Deputy Chief of Party of Expanding Economic Opportunities under the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity

Giovanny Cuero Rincón

Deputy Chief of Party of Programs for the USAID/Honduras Transforming Market Systems Activity

Mark Sevier

Senior Technical Director for Private Sector Engagement

Mohammad Shahroz Jalil

Chief of Party of the Market Driven Rural Development Activity
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