ACDI/VOCA celebrates 50 years of activity in Ethiopia with the conclusion of the USDA-funded Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development (FEED) III Activity in April 2021. Since 1971, when we sent our first volunteer to Ethiopia, we’ve furthered Ethiopian development by supporting co-ops, coffee farmers, pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities, animal feed manufacturing, job creation, among other activities. Read the final brochure about the FEED I, II, and III activities, all of which we proudly implemented since 2009, here.
In Ghana, we’ve implemented the Feed the Future Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement I & II (ADVANCE I & II) Projects from 2009-2021. ADVANCE I & II empowered farmers in the maize, rice, and soybean value chains by implementing the successful outgrower model, spurred women’s engagement in village saving and loan associations (VSLAs), and created a viable and sustainable marketplace. Read more about our efforts in Ghana here.