Building and Rehabilitating Water Reservoirs for Indigenous Communities In La Guajira

Fundación ACDI/VOCA Latin America (FAVLA) is supporting Enel Green Power to improve the living conditions of 3,000 people from 22 indigenous communities located near wind energy projects that Enel Green Power is developing in La Guajira. Through a strategic partnership, FAVLA, Enel Green Power, the Ministry of Housing of Colombia, and the National Army of Colombia are working with local communities to build and rehabilitate 16 reservoirs under the Guajira Azul program to provide access to water sources for domestic use.

Project Objectives

  • Guide Enel Green Power in its objective to improve multipurpose access to water sources within the Chemesky and Winpeshi wind farms’ zones of influence in Middle and Upper Guajira.
  • Build trust and teamwork within communities to support collaboration, social change, and a commitment to building and rehabilitating the reservoirs.
  • Coordinate public and private stakeholder engagement at the national and municipal levels to create value based on their skills.
  • Facilitate dialogue and find consensus with participating communities to promote reservoir sustainability.

Project Activities and Approaches

  • Implement the DecidoSer program to enhance trust and teamwork skills among participants.
  • Develop an environmental management plan and provide training to community and army members in proper solid waste management.

Funder: Enel Green Power

Project Director: Carolina Blackburn,
