Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity

Increasing Livestock Productivity to Improve Household Food Security


The Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity aimed to increase livestock productivity for improved nutrition and income generation among rural households in eight districts across the Feed the Future zone of influence and zone of resilience. The six-year Activity had three key components: (1) livestock productivity; (2) access of rural households to hygienic, diverse, and quality food, and; (3) nutrition awareness and practices. As a cross-cutting component, the Activity addressed gender gaps and increased women’s empowerment in livestock households and communities.

  • Increased livestock productivity through the improvement of livestock management techniques and primary animal healthcare services
  • Increased access of rural households to hygienic, diverse, and high-quality food to enhance nutrition and health status, especially among women and children
  • Improved nutrition-related behaviors of rural households
  • Addressed gender gaps and increased women’s empowerment in livestock households and communities
  • Engaged livestock service provider networks and private sector partners to make livestock services available in farming communities
  • Increased access to livestock inputs (feed and animal health care, etc.)
  • Improved market access for dairy and beef cattle and enhanced access to information
  • Promoted improved nutrition behaviors among rural households through nutrition education on hygienic, diverse, and quality food
  • Collaborated with the government of Bangladesh’s livestock agencies to expand livestock services to farmers
  • Applied private sector engagement best practices by co-creating and implementing solutions to long-standing livestock sector challenges with key private sector partners, including the expansion of women’s roles beyond production to inputs and service provision and increased women’s decision-making power, resulting in a more inclusive livestock sector

The Activity achieved the following key results:

  • Reached 181,719 farming households whose average milk productivity increased by 247 percent and cattle meeting market weight increased by 201 percent
  • Built capacity for over 2,000 livestock service providers, 419 fodder entrepreneurs, 72 feed retailers, 42 feed dealers, and 1,208 animal health manufacturers/input providers
  • $1.34 million leveraged from eight private sector partners

Access “Stories of Change from the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity,” published June 2021

Funder: USAID

Project Specialist: Jason Hillis, jhillis@acdivoca.org

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