Regional Agricultural Development Program (RADP-N)

Supporting Food And Financial Security By Improving Production And Profits In Select Value Chains

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The Regional Agricultural Development Program (RADP-N) was a five-year project that ran from May 2014 to May 2019 with funding from USAID to advance food and economic security for rural Afghans in six northern provinces. The program strengthened the capacity of farmers through improved production and sales in the wheat, high value crops, and small ruminant livestock value chains as well as supported private sector development through advocacy, dialogue, and an improved policy environment.

  • Developed participatory value chain strategies to increase overall agricultural production and food security in northern Afghanistan
  • Improved the management and technical capacity of agribusinesses and farmer organizations to increase production, sales, and income
  • Built expanded and profitable market linkages for producers and agribusinesses
  • Enabled farmers to increase their commercial viability and competitiveness in response to market demand
  • Took a value chain approach focusing on high-value horticultural commodities including dried fruits and nuts, grapes and raisins, and melons
  • Improved sales and income by identifying and linking viable internal and export markets
  • Increased the management capacity of related agribusinesses, producers, and their organizations in accessing new markets and meeting quality demands to increase sales and income
  • Introduced new and improved production and post-harvest handling/processing techniques to increase value and serve market needs
  • Mentored lead farmers within each value chain who serve as examples of good agricultural practices and farm management
  • Three value chain strategies developed to improve farmer productivity and agribusiness profitability
  • Reduced post-harvest losses through improved post-harvest techniques (in terms of pest control, storage, and processing)
  • Increased management and technical capacity of small, medium-sized, and large existing or start-up agribusinesses related to the high-value crop value chains to improve financial returns
  • Supported export marketing through technical assistance and attendance at international trade shows for existing exporters of non-refrigerated products (dried fruits and nuts)

Funder: USAID
