Strengthening Rule of Law Institutions and Presence of the State
Through the Paraguay National Police Community Outreach (PNPCO) program, ACDI/VOCA helped build a positive relationship between citizens and members of law enforcement. This program was funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), which aims to win support from the public through programs that fill basic needs.
The program was designed to enhance the level of confidence that residents of the Department of Concepción had in the ability of the Paraguay National Police (PNP) and the government of Paraguay to:
- Provide a secure environment through increased and effective community interaction
- Assist citizens in identifying ways to address their basic needs
- Plan and implement projects that will directly or indirectly contribute to enhanced security for citizens living in the area
Projects Implemented Jointly Satisfied the Basic Needs of the Community
Through targeted subgrants, PNPCO contributed to the implementation of priority projects identified by the community. These included livelihoods activities, health and nutrition education, and access to potable water and basic services. Based on their vulnerability, strategic location, and proximity to the Comando de Operaciones Rurales (COR) base in Concepción—a specially trained tactical force of the PNP—INL and the PNP prioritized the communities in the municipalities of Concepción, Horqueta, and Azotey.
The PNPCO team and the COR officers engaged local governments and mobilized communities to identify a list of community priorities. The program implemented five community-driven infrastructure projects in the municipalities mentioned above. These included the repair and extension of a potable water system, the construction of a small health post, and the construction of a small community center with bathrooms.
Community Events Led by or Supported by the PNP
A series of small grants were made to implement priority projects identified by the community. Projects were selected in conjunction with representatives from the Community Boards, educational institutions, or other local authorities during field trips led by COR officials to the beneficiary communities.
The program issued several small grants to implement capacity building training sessions, provide medical support, and donate blankets to flood victims in the city of Concepción and vulnerable populations in Arroyito.