Makrita Avjyan serves as ACDI/VOCA’s country director for the USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer Program in Armenia, where she oversees the successful implementation of the program. Her experience with ACDI/VOCA dates back to 2007 through 2011, when she was a training component advisor for the Water-to-Market Activity and, later, a monitoring and evaluation expert for its Institutional Strengthening Subactivity — both funded by the Millennium Challenge Account with Armenia and led by ACDI/VOCA in partnership with VISTAA. Before rejoining ACDI/VOCA as country director in 2013, Makrita was a consultant for development programs, a senior program officer at IREX Armenia, and a member and former chair of the Central Eurasia Leadership Academy Board of Directors. She holds a master’s degree in public administration from the American University of Armenia and has completed trainings in leadership, management, and communications through Nuffic (Netherlands), the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and other organizations. She is fluent in Armenian, Russian, and English.
