To celebrate the United Nations’ International Day of Rural Women, we proudly share photos from photographer Nevil Jackson who volunteered with our Feed the Future Tanzania Nafaka II Activity, funded by USAID, this summer.
Through Nevil’s photography, we glimpse a day in the life of Mwanaharusi Mohamed Nyambi, a rice farmer and farmer association member from Ifakara, Tanzania. Mwanaharusi is also a participant in the Nafaka II Activity, which aims to improve the milling and processing of rice and maize while expanding opportunities for women and enhancing the nutritional status of communities.
In the opening photo above, Mwanaharusi returns with her youngest daughter from pumping water at the well. She does this every morning to start the day.
After cooking porridge, Mwanaharusi shares breakfast with her daughter.
Next, she walks to her mother-in-law’s home to drop off her daughter before going to work.
Before leaving for the day, Mwanaharusi retrieves water for her mother-in-law.
She attends a farmer association meeting. Members joke around about whether they should start the meeting or wait for late members.
As secretary of her youth group, Mwanaharusi keeps a log of member attendance, dues, and fees.
Banking personnel attend the meeting to discuss the loan application process and how to set up banking accounts.
Mwanaharusi joins other farmer association members as they walk to their rice fields to clear the remains of last season’s harvest.
Mwanaharusi’s youth group received a rice padding machine, which significantly decreases the amount of time and labor needed to de-pad rice. The group was trained to operate and maintain the equipment.
Mwanaharusi’s second youngest child plays with her toddler daughter after school. When she’s old enough, she will join her older sister at boarding school.
Later in the day, Mwanaharusi returns to her mother-in-law’s to clean rice pads.
At the end of the day, Mwanaharusi rests and spends time with family and friends.
Learn more about our Feed the Future Tanzania Nafaka II Activity here.
Learn more about volunteering with us here.
See more of Nevil Jackson’s photography on his website or on Instagram (@neviljackson).