A Global Leader in Market Systems Development

ACDI/VOCA has proven expertise in agriculture, economic growth, resilience, finance, and equity and inclusion.

The best way to ensure durable outcomes for issues like food security, economic prosperity, and social inclusion is through locally driven market solutions. ACDI/VOCA helps developing countries sustainably improve key economic sectors as partners in program design and implementation across the public and private sectors.

Our reputation for impact is rooted in an award-winning system of monitoring, impact evaluation, and learning. In concert with our affiliates, we deliver expert technical assistance and create locally driven market solutions through a diverse set of funding sources.


Together, we bridge diverse stakeholders in shared development efforts, sharing technical resources and on-the-ground presence to achieve the objectives of our diverse partners. We leverage investments from private-sector partners and provide value through our volunteer programs.

Public Sector

ACDI/VOCA is an industry leader in program design and technical implementation. Our work empowers those with limited economic opportunities through proven, effective, relevant, and innovative methodologies and tools.

We are an international organization skilled in understanding and addressing local needs. We open doors for people who have been excluded, allowing them access to choices that improve the lives of their families and the vitality of their communities.


Private Sector

ACDI/VOCA offers extensive networks and community relationships for corporations, foundations or investors. We understand rural markets and appropriate technologies, and can make the business case for reaching and including marginalized groups.

We help communities produce products that meet market standards, empowering them to earn livelihoods, provide for their families, and educate their children.

Learn more about our Private-Sector Engagement Approach here.

We help corporations and foundations penetrate new markets, reach the last mile, and increase profitability. While doing corporate good, our private-sector partners share value, forge sustainable supply chains, and build the capacity of local players.

For financial institutions and impact investors, we deploy blended finance to catalyze commercial market solutions. We welcome engagement by financiers in our programs.

With responsible corporate citizens, we co-design and implement community development projects that are sustainable and aligned with community interests, national development priorities, and a region’s competitive advantages. We also organize and manage corporate volunteer programs.

We help input vendors build product distribution channels, demonstrate the comparative value of their technologies, understand how gender and social differences impact buyer preferences and engagement, and connect vendors and trainers with their target markets.

For commercial buyers, such as millers or traders, we organize commercial groups of producers to coordinate production and delivery of quality products to buying stations.

Visit the Partner with Us section of our website to learn more or please contact us at: partnerwithus@acdivoca.org.

For Career Opportunities, please visit our Career page.  

For inquiries about U.S.-based positions, please contact: careers@acdivoca.org 

Please note that we cannot respond to inquiries outside the scope of our work nor to unsolicited requests for funds or grants.  
