The Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development (FEED) project, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and implemented by ACDI/VOCA, recently received praise from the president of Ethiopia. On November 19, 2017, President Mulatu Teshome took the stage to recognize the FEED project for its contributions to the country’s livestock sector.

This praise came during the Federal Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries’ National Livestock Week, held in Addis Ababa, November 13-19, 2017. Minister Fekadu Beyene joined the president on stage to present a certificate and share his praise of the FEED project’s achievements.

ACDI/VOCA Ethiopia FEED Livestock Event Award
Minister Fekadu Beyene talks to a team member at the FEED project’s booth during Ethiopia’s National Livestock Week.

Both gave accolades to the FEED project for being a leader in developing the livestock sector on a national level and for being the top nongovernmental agency in three of its four active regions. Upon receiving the award and certificate, the project’s chief of party and country representative, Carl Birkelo, congratulated his staff.

“This is truly a noteworthy accomplishment. It reflects the good work you have been doing — some of you, since the beginning of FEED I [in 2009].” — Carl Birkelo, FEED Chief of Party and Country Representative

The week-long event included panel discussions, exhibitions, and recognition for other organizations and individuals who brought growth to the sector. During the event, the FEED team exhibited the project’s many activities for those in attendance, showcasing its work for private sector and government representatives.

Currently, the team is embarking on the implementation of FEED III, a continuation of what USDA and ACDI/VOCA began nearly a decade ago in Ethiopia. Birkelo said he looks forward to continued effort and innovation driven by a full commitment to better performance in the livestock value chains.

“Let’s use this opportunity to bring the FEED era to a successful conclusion, one that is worthy of these awards,” he said.

Learn more about the Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development II (FEED II) project.

Learn more about our work in Ethiopia.
