Livestock remains a significant part of the agricultural economy in the Kyrgyz Republic, especially in the south. Sheep, goats, cattle, and the products derived from them are critical for rural household income. An important step in improving cattle breeds is the use of artificial insemination (AI). Livestock breeders in the Osh, Jalal-Abad, and Batken oblasts are increasingly using AI and benefitting from the resulting increased safety of the animals, production efficiency, and better genetics.

The USAID Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity is supporting the use of AI as part of its efforts to increase agricultural productivity, help entrepreneurs develop stronger business skills, and facilitate regional business opportunities. ACDI/VOCA has partnered with Chemonics to implement this five-year activity.

“The cost of maintenance of a breeding bull is saved. It also prevents the spread of certain diseases. In a nutshell, artificial insemination drastically improved the genetics of my herd.”

— Almamat Sarajiev, head of Bekzat-A breeding farm, supported by the USAID Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity

In 2021, the Activity offered theoretical and practical training on AI of cattle. Graduates received Dewar vessels for long-term semen storage. In May 2022, veterinarians in each oblast held exhibitions of newborn calves resulting from AI, while experts described the benefits of AI, emphasizing its positive impact on profits and productivity.

“AI can efficiently improve herds to increase milk production and lengthen the lactation period,” Zhunus Israilov, a veterinarian who participated in the exhibition. “When breeding cattle to improve meat production, AI can yield animals that produce more meat and faster weight gain in a shorter period. It’s gratifying that, to date, more than 1,866 procedures have been successfully performed with 1,070 calves born. And there will be more!”

Photo by Nadira Makhkamova

Learn more about the USAID Kyrgyz Republic Agro Trade Activity.

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