Feed the Future Tanzania Kilimo Tija

Call for Expressions of Interest

The USAID Feed the Future Kilimo Tija Activity is seeking concept papers from applicants interested in applying for grants related to project objectives. Please submit applications to KTA.grants@acdivoca-tz.org by March 21, 2023. Please review the call for EOI and the accompanying documents linked below for full application criteria.

Kilimo Tija is a five-year, $37.9M activity that will transform the Tanzanian horticulture market system into a more vibrant, competitive, resilient, and inclusive one capable of fueling sustained growth and drawing in new market participants. ACDI/VOCA has partnered with ASPIRES and Fintrac Global to implement Kilimo Tija. Through Kilimo Tija, Tanzanian smallholders and producer organizations will benefit from improved commercial access to productive technologies and training to help them produce quality fresh and processed fruits and vegetables for an expanding and diverse market of domestic and international buyers.

  • Strengthen horticulture market systems to increase enterprise and employment opportunities
  • Increase access to commercially provided, climate-smart, and productivity-enhancing agricultural technologies
  • Strengthen the enabling environment for market systems
  • Strengthen the organization of the horticulture market system that enables farmers and entrepreneurs to move into higher-value activities
  • Increase sales of improved seed and fertilizer increase yields, sales, and consumption of high-quality horticulture crops
  • Increase private sector investment in the horticulture market system
  • Increase volumes and sales of high-quality horticulture products in domestic, regional and/or international markets

Anticipated results include:

  • Impact 2,400 horticulture MSMEs and
  • Increase the revenue of assisted MSMEs by at least 15% annually
  • Create 7,400 new jobs, most of which will employ women and youth

Funder: USAID

Chief of Party: Antonio Coello, acoello@acdivoca-tz.org

Project Specialist: Emily Gray, egray@acdivoca.org

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