The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded Ghana Poultry Project (GPP), which began in 2015, closed in December 2021, but its efforts will continue among local partners. GPP targeted Ghana’s largest poultry production regions—the Greater Accra, Ashanti, and (then) Brong Ahafo regions—and was led by ACDI/VOCA, with TechnoServe serving as a sub-implementer during the initial phase. GPP partnered with state agencies, poultry sector associations and groups, research institutions, service providers, and others to roll out activities across 119 operational districts.

In doing so, GPP supported poultry businesses, including microenterprises and smallholder farms, reaching more than 19,300 people. GPP trained individuals, improved the availability of inputs or supplies, promoted investments, and fostered public and private partnerships. These efforts resulted in lasting increased agricultural productivity within the poultry sector. GPP also helped boost the quality standards and efficiency of production, which increased the trade of poultry products.

Below are highlights of GPP’s impact on Ghana’s poultry sector over the last five years:

Helped More Than 16,000 People Secure Business Loans

GPP trained 17,721 poultry actors to promote good poultry husbandry practices. We also trained and worked with 45 financial institutions and 62 business service advisors to improve access to financing. This resulted in the innovative financing of 3,318 individual loans totaling US$15.3 million for 16,836 individuals.

Improved Poultry Productivity through Community Animal Health Workers

In partnership with the Veterinary Services Directorate, GPP established the Community Animal Health Worker program, which trained 500 individuals who previously provided extension services to 10,139 poultry households to improve flock health and productivity. These services included husbandry education, vaccinations, and delivery of supplies. These individual also learned to act as the first line of reporting to the Veterinary Services Directorate should an outbreak of a communicable disease occur.

Shortened the Average Poultry Production Period by Four Weeks

Since 2017, GPP conducted 74 poultry production demonstrations in partnership with tertiary institutions and outgrower businesses to promote efficient production techniques among farmers. As a result, the broiler production period shortened from an average of 10 weeks to six weeks, driving down production costs.

Strengthened the Sector through Grants and Commercial Agreements

GPP promoted agricultural innovations, technology, and poultry marketing through grants given to individuals totaling US$2.1 million. We also leveraged US$5.5 million of public and private investment into the sector. Our activities linked input suppliers, producers, and processors or buyers through 3,444 commercial agreements totaling US$9.6 million.

Established the Poultry Value Chain Fair in Ghana

What started as the Poultry Value Chain Fair, launched by GPP in 2017, has now expanded into the Livestock, Poultry and Fisheries Trade Show, hosted annually by Agrihouse Foundation and Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Launched the “Eat Ghana Chicken” Campaign

As part of its efforts to develop the end market, GPP launched a nation-wide social marketing campaign dubbed “Eat Ghana Chicken.” This campaign promoted more consumption of locally produced chicken and reached more than 500,000 people with messages about chicken’s nutritional benefits. Following the campaign, 11 poultry firms and six poultry groups adopted its strategies.

Led Ghana’s First Poultry Youth Mentorship Program

GPP led Ghana’s first-ever Poultry Youth Mentorship Program for leadership and skills development in the sector. The program trained 75 young entrepreneurs in poultry business and helped set up 57 start-up poultry businesses by graduate mentees.

Formed 18 Outgrower Schemes

GPP helped formed 18 poultry outgrower schemes (or contract farming), providing training, inputs, and ready markets to a network of 634 smallholder farmers and helping chicken processors to regularize supplies to consumers. The project continues to support several livestock sector policies, standards, and bills to facilitate a better business environment.

Building the Resilience of Poultry Producer Groups

Village savings and loan associations continue to help poultry producer groups save collectively and invest in their businesses. The Entrepreneur Savings and Loan Groups, established by GPP, improved access to finance among its members, especially those belonging to live bird sellers’ associations, egg sellers’ associations, and other fringe and vulnerable groups.

GPP also worked with business accelerators and telecommunications companies to improve access to mobile money. The poultry sector in Ghana now receives more media attention thanks to GPP’s innovations and connections formed between the media and GPP participants. GPP also set up a parent stock farm with the Veterinary Services Directorate to support the supply of eggs to produce 12 vaccines that protect against Newcastle Disease.

Partnering to Further Locally Led Development

From the beginning, GPP built in strategies to make its efforts sustainable in the long-term. Our partners for sustainability include the Ministry of Agriculture’s Veterinary Services Directorate and Animal Production Directorate as well as the National Board on Small Scale Industries, Ghana Enterprises Authority, Food and Drugs Authority, Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana Standards Authority, and Ministry of Trade and Industries’ Business Resource Centre.

Learn more about the Ghana Poultry Project.

Learn more about our work in Ghana.
