ACDI/VOCA is pleased to announce that USAID/Honduras has awarded the organization with the third and final task order to continue the efforts of the USAID Transforming Market Systems (TMS) Activity in Honduras until 2025. This new task order marks a major milestone for ACDI/VOCA, as the organization has competed against the odds in Honduras to make economic markets more competitive, resilient, and inclusive.

Since 2018, the team has been collaborating with the Honduran government to address the root causes of migration out of the country. They have also been working with civil society groups and the private sector to bring about systemic changes to economic markets. So far, these changes have yielded $27.6 million in increased sales through growing demand for local products. They have also generated more than 14,000 jobs and mobilized $26.7 million in private investment through strategic economic opportunities, thereby reducing incentives to migrate.

The third task order, which began in April 2022, will take these efforts to scale to improve market systems and opportunities, especially for people who experience poverty or marginalization. Along with reducing irregular migration, the USAID TMS Activity will contribute to economic recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 back-to back Hurricanes Eta and Iota. The team will also use a placed-based approach to counter the malign influence of certain state and non-state actors, particularly through investments from U.S. and Honduran businesses.

Learn more about the USAID/Honduras TMS Activity.

Learn more about our work in Honduras.
