Because racial discrimination and negative perceptions about ethnicity are often deep-seated, Colombia’s Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program (ACIP) shares positive messaging related to ethnic minority inclusion among children in collaboration with a popular Colombian cartoon series and the country’s first social network aimed at young people.



“Professor Super O” is an Afro-Colombian super hero. Since 2006, he’s been a popular positive role model for children and youth from all ethnic backgrounds. ACIP is working with Super O’s creators to design a series of mini-comic books, 60,000 copies of which will be distributed in Colombia’s Pacific municipalities to teach children and youth positive values such as tolerance, respect, and perseverance.


KIDON, a virtual social network for children and youth between 5 and 12 years old, uses a mix of education, fun, and interaction called “edutainment.” ACIP supports KIDON as it includes an ethno-educational module in its programming and to develop avatars that reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of Colombia to spread awareness among these young social networkers and their families.


Read more about our work in Colombia here.


Read more about the ACIP project here.

