Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH II)

Background Narrative

The Ja REEACH II project was a four-year initiative funded by USAID and implemented by ACDI/VOCA and Government of Jamaica partners. The project was an expansion of the Ja REEACH project that promoted the protection of rural lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems through interventions that increased and strengthened climate change adaptation. As Jamaica continues to experience extended droughts, temperature increases, and more frequent natural disasters, Ja REEACH II collaborated with a wide range of partners and utilized volunteer technical assistance to stimulate climate change adaptation and mitigation. The goal of this project was “to increase climate change resilience of targeted livelihoods and ecosystems.” Actions taken reduced the vulnerability of livelihoods and ecosystems to the impact of climate change while supporting national and local efforts toward adaptation and resilience.

  • Increased investment in climate-smart agriculture
  • Increased adoption of natural resource management best practices
  • Improved Global Climate Change policy and planning and coordination structures
  • Drove investments in climate-smart agriculture with a focus on priority agricultural value chains consistent with the country’s economic strategy
  • Promoted and incentivized the adoption of natural resource management best practices in targeted climate risk zones
  • Used data from climate models and climate change vulnerability assessments for expanded adaptation of natural resource management decision-making
  • Four institutions extended credit services to micro and small- and medium-sized enterprises
  •  77 percent of farmers diversified their livelihood sources
  • 79 value chain actors were supported to market climate-smart agriculture products to 171 stakeholders implementing risk-reducing practices/actions
  • 127 institutions experienced improved capacity to assess or address climate change issues
  • 102 institutions were supported to mainstream climate and disaster risk reduction in development planning

Funder: USAID
Contact: Julia Garside at JGarside@acdivoca.org
Project Office: 1a Braemar Avenue, Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I

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