ACDI/VOCA implemented USDA’s three-year Feed Enhancement for Ethiopian Development (FEED) II project, which increased livestock and poultry productivity by further developing the animal feed sector, continuing the progress made under FEED I.
Ethiopia’s livestock population is the largest on the African continent. Livestock contribute to the livelihoods of 60–70 percent of Ethiopia’s population. Feed is fundamental to growth and sustainability in Ethiopia, yet there are major constraints limiting the development of the livestock and poultry sector.
The overall goal of FEED II was to increase the incomes of Ethiopian smallholder livestock producers by improving access to and use of consistent, affordable, high-quality animal feed that can support greater livestock and poultry productivity and efficiency. The project worked in Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, and Tigray regions.
Project Objectives
- Increased the productivity of livestock and poultry in Ethiopia by developing the animal feed sector
- Expanded the trade of agricultural products in the livestock and poultry sectors
Project Activities and Approaches
- Developed the feed ingredient supply chain and service sector
- Developed feed manufacturing enterprises
- Developed a sustainable forage production system
- Introduced and expanded feedlot (fattening), poultry, and dairy enterprises
- Promoted improved on-farm feeding practices
Project Results
- Established 12 commercial feed manufacturing enterprises and continued technical support to 13 feed previously established during FEED I. Trained 56 cooperative union staff and government experts on feed formulation and manufacturing. Sales through March 2016 was 15,568 MT, valued at almost USD 4 million.
- Trained 640 government extension agents and over 26,000 smallholder farmers (32% women) in sustainable forage production and on-farm feeding management and record keeping.
- Established 15 forage multiplication nurseries; distributed 40.5 tons of improved forage seeds and 2.2 million splits/cuttings through cooperative unions to smallholder farmers.
- Administered nearly USD 3 million in grants to support feed sector input and service providers and establishment/expansion of small scale commercial forage, livestock, and poultry enterprises.
Additional Resources
- USDA’s Investment in Ethiopia’s Livestock Feed Sector Pays Off
- USDA’s Food for Progress Program Strengthens Livestock Sector
- USDA’s Food for Progress Program Strengthens Ethiopia’s Dairy Sector
Funder: USDA-Food for Progress
Contact: Johana De la Cruz, JDelaCruz@acdivoca.org