Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project-Business Development Services (AMAP BDS)

Enhancing Performance and Competitiveness of SMEs


The goal of the AMAP BDS Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) was to increase incomes in poor communities and promote economic growth by enhancing performance and thereby the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises. AMAP BDS sustainably linked large numbers of enterprises to productive markets. To address growth constraints all along the value chain, AMAP BDS covered a range of solutions and services, including market access, product development, technology support services, and interventions to strengthen the legal, regulatory and policy environment.

As the prime contractor on the AMAP BDS IQC, ACDI/VOCA led the consortium in providing training, technical assistance, financial and evaluative services to increase the capacity of business development service providers. Additionally, ACDI/VOCA also researched key issues in the microenterprise development field and disseminated best practices to USAID missions and others in the field.

The AMAP BDS IQC drew from ACDI/VOCA’s wealth of experience in microenterprise development. Since 1963 ACDI/VOCA has been increasing incomes by improving the productivity and competitiveness of industries in which small firms participate and ensuring that firms benefit from that participation. By identifying growth opportunities and alleviating growth constraints along a value chain, we increase firms’ incomes, develop mutually beneficial relationships between firms and promote efficient business practices.
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AMAP BDS Task Orders

India Growth-Oriented Microenterprise Development Program (GMED)
